I am not affiliated in any way with the products I recommend. It is my role to give you completely unbiased resources based upon my understanding that they are the best product choices to support your health. None of my services guarantee that any particular product I recommend is safe or effective for you. Reliance on any information I provide you is solely at your risk.
I am not a medical professional. My services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a healthcare professional.
I value your privacy and dignity.
No client information will be disseminated to anyone outside of the scope of my services with said client, nor in those service-related instances, without said client’s express consent.
No client information shall be retained beyond closure of my services, unless it directly pertains to a future service with said client, and in that instance, only retained with express consent of said client at the end of said service.
No client information will ever be distributed to advertisers or data brokers.
All matters will be completely confidential, unless required by law to disclose.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy statement or my privacy practices, please contact me at: